The book is currently used in most Bulgarian universities and many high schools as a primary or a secondary textbook. You can find more information below.
Software University (SoftUni)
Algorithms (July 2017)
Algorithms (April 2016)
Algorithms (Sept 2015)
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms I, Spring 2005
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms I, Fall 2003
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms II, Spring 2004
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms I, Fall 2001
New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Advanced programming I (INF295/296), Fall 2004
Programming and Data Structures (INF201), Spring 2004
Advanced programming I (INF295), Fall 2003
Advanced programming II (INF298), Fall 2003
Techical University of Varna
Algorithm Synthesis and Analysis
University of Plovdiv “Paisij Hilendarski”
Algorithms and Programs
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